Kate Bellosillo
A single mother of 8 and a corporate leader, Kate Bellosillo has heart, boldness, constancy andpassion
She nurtured her children to reach for the sky and soar to success. Thus, her life purposeemerged: to nurture people to greatness so together they can transform the world.
She brought her nurturing heart, innate wisdom and business acumen (from 20 years in thehealth and wellness industry) to Kyani Philippines, a subsidiary of an American global companyin the health and wellness industry. As country head, she set up the business from ground zero,ably guiding her staff and business partners, conducting leadership trainings and supportingthem with constancy so they could take wing and fly. Everyone lovingly calls her “MommyKate,” because she is more than a GM to them.
Since it opened in 2014 under her leadership, Kyani Philippines remains in the top 10performing markets of Kyani out of 60 markets worldwide. During the pandemic, Kateimplemented a strategy that helped the members of Kyani Philippines bounce back and getback on track to financial strength, making Kyani Philippines achieve in 2020, the highest salesin its entire history.
Kate also believes service is love made visible in the world.
She received the Hall of Fame Award from the Direct Selling Association of the Philippines forbeing the top distributor for more than 3 consecutive years in the early 2000’s.In 2019, she was one of the 10 Filipino women who received the Outstanding ASEAN WomanEntrepreneur award from the Princess of Thailand.
In 2021, she won the Global Woman Corporate Leader Award given by the Global WomanClub, a passionate community of professional women from different parts of the world who arebrought together by their desire to empower other men and women in the areas of business and leadership.
As founding member, she defines the Global Woman Club Manila as being “rich in kindness.”Her story, “Rising with Grit and Grace: From Mother of 8 to CEO,” is in the book Women in theModern Business World, now an Amazon bestseller.